Welcome to Schwul-Lesbischen Sportverein
"Der Bogenschütze" Dresden e.V.
About Us
We are a recreational sport club for gays, lesbians, and their friends. We welcome all people, not only skilled athletes but also all those who simply enjoy sports. At the moment, we meet in group training sessions for volleyball, beach volleyball, and badminton. Other sports may occur on an individual basis.
Members participate regularly and with success in national and international tournaments, competitions of the Gay and Lesbian Volleyball League, and at the Eurogames, Gaygames, and the Outgames. Moreover, we meet up regularly for biking, hiking, ping-pong, skiing … and of course for brunch. 😉

Prague Rainbow Spring 2023
A colorful Bogenschütze team of 7 players and 3 supporters appeared at this year’s Prag Rainbow Spring on May 6th, 2023, where, in total, 196

2023 Beach Season Opens!
The beach is calling! Starting on May 2nd, 2023, we will meet every Tuesday at Dresden SSV from 18:30 to 20:30 on the third beach