Our sports organization was founded on April 5, 1994.
We are an official, non-profit sports organization. As such, donations are tax deductible in Germany.
If you want to become a member and participate in our sport offereings, please request your membership using the application form below.
Please read our organization’s charter and membership dues schedule.
Annual membership fee starting in 2024:
- regular: 96,00 €
- reduced: 50,00 €
- legal entities: 150,00 €
The membership fee is due on the January 31st of the membership year.
In the first membership year the fee will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
The following payment methods are available:
- cash delivered to the Treasurer
- by bank transfer to the bank account of the Organization
- by authorized direct-debit (SEPA) from your bank account
Please take note of the membership dues schedule of our organization.
Would you like to change your membership status, provide a new bank account for direct debit (SEPA), or cancel your membership?
If so, please use the following form:
Cancellation of your membership must be provided in writing, using either the form listed above or in any other manner that indicates your desire to cancel your membership, and may be sent via email or post. It must be received by the Board at least four weeks before the end of the quarter for which cancellation is requested (with quarters ending on March 31st; June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st).
The cancellation will be confirmed via email. Cancelling your membership does not end your obligation to pay membership dues that have accrued prior to your cancellation. To the extent membership fees were paid in advance, they will not be refunded.
Our sports organization, SLS “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V., may collect, use, store, and processe personal data, but only within the permissible framework of the law, and in particular, the German Federal Data Protection Act (“Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG)”) and the General Data Privacy Act (“GDPR” or “DS-GVO”), using data processing systems (“EDP”) to fulfill the permissible purposes and tasks according to the Charter of the organization.
More information provided in following document (only in German):