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Note: This is translation, is for informational purposes only, and has no legal effect; the binding charter of the Organization is the original German version of the current “Satzung.”

§ 1 Name, Location, and Purpose of the Organization

The name of the Organization is Schwul-Lesbischer Sportverein “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V. (short name: SLS “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V.).

It has its headquarters in Dresden and is exclusively a non-profit within the meaning of the applicable section of the German Tax Code („Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke“).

The purpose of the Organization is to promote sports for gays, lesbians, and their friends.

The organizational charter is realized in particular through

  • promotion of athletic practices and events,
  • participation in sports competitions, and
  • construction of sports facilities.

The Organization is registered in the official register of organizations (“Vereinsregister”).


§ 2

The Organization is a not-for-profit organization.


§ 3

The Organization’s funds may only be used for purposes in accordance with its charter.

Members of the Organization do not receive any benefits from the funds of the Organization.

§ 4

No person may receive payments from the Organization that are alien to its purpose or that are disproportionately high.

§  5 Membership

Natural and legal persons can become members of the Organization. The Board decides on the application for membership, which must be submitted in writing to the board. A rejected applicant has the right to appeal the rejection to the General Assembly, which must be submitted in writing to the Board within one month of the rejection.

Membership ends through the member’s resignation, death, or revocation, or through dissolution of the Organization. To resign membership, written notice of the resignation must be sent to the Board with a notice period of one month to the end of each quarter.

A membership may be revoked for a important grounds. Important grounds are in particular

  • conduct detrimental to the objectives of the Organization,
  • the violation of statutory duties,
  • membership dues that at least half a year overdue.

The Board decides on the revocation of membership. The member has the right to appeal the revocation to the General Assembly, which must be submitted in writing to the board within one month of the revocation.

§ 6 Dues

Dues are assessed. The amount and the due date of the membership fees are decided by the General Assembly.

§ 7 Agencies of the Organization

The agencies of the Organization are

  • the General Assembly,
  • the Board.

§ 8 General Assembly

The tasks of the General Assembly include in particular

  • election and removal of the Board,
  • election of an Auditor,
  • release of the Board,
  • resolution on the refusal of membership of an applicant
  • or the revocation of membership of a member,
  • determination of the amount and due date of membership dues,
  • adoption of resolutions for the guidelines for reimbursement of expenses (travel expenses, etc.),
  • adoption of resolutions for resolving disagreements among the Board,
  • adoption of resolutions for amendments to the Charter, including amendments to the purpose of the Organization,
  • adoption of resolutions for the dissolution of the Organization.

A regular general assembly shall be held at least once a year. The Board is obliged to convene an extraordinary general assembly if requested by at least one fifth of the membership.

The General Assembly shall be convened by the Board with two weeks notice in writing or by e-mail, stating the agenda. The two-week period begins on the day after the mailing date of the invitation letter. The invitation letter shall be deemed to have been received by the members if it was addressed to the last address or e-mail address made known to the Organization.

Motions concerning the removal of the Board, the amendment of the Charter including the change of the purpose of the Organization and the dissolution of the Organization, which have not already been sent to the members with the invitation to the General Assembly, may only be decided at the next General Assembly.

The General Assembly shall be chaired by a member of the Board or by a person elected by majority vote to chair the meeting.

The General Assembly has a quorum if one third of the members are present.

In the event of a lack of quorum, the Board is required to convene within four weeks a second General Assembly with the same agenda. This second General Assembly shall constitute a quorum regardless of the number of members present.

Each member has one vote. In voting, a simple majority of the votes cast shall be decisive. The removal of the Board, amendments to the Charter including the change of the purpose of the Organization and the dissolution of the Organization can only be decided with a two-thirds majority. Abstentions and invalid votes are not taken into account.

Minutes shall be taken of the resolutions of the General Assembly and shall be signed by the keeper of the minutes.

§ 9 Executive Board

The Board shall consist of three persons. If a member of the Board resigns prematurely, the Board shall consist of the remaining persons until a new Board is elected. The remaining Board may supplement itself by a maximum of one member. The Board shall pass its resolutions by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the General Assembly shall decide.

The Board represents the Organization judicially and extrajudicially. Two of its members are authorized to represent the Organization jointly. The Board is elected for a period of two years. Re-election is permissible. The Board remains in office until a new Board is elected.

The Board can only be voted out of office during its term by the election of a new Board.

§ 10 Fiscal Year and Accounting

The fiscal year is the calendar year. The first fiscal year ends on December 31 of the year of formation. The Board shall prepare the annual financial statements for the previous fiscal year by March 31 of each year. The annual financial statement shall be audited by the Auditor appointed by the General Assembly.

§ 11 Dissolution of the Organization

In the event of the dissolution of the Organization or in the event of the discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the Organization shall fall to Gerede – Dresdner Lesben, Schwule & Alle Anderen e.V. in Dresden, which shall use them directly and exclusively for non-profit purposes.

§ 12

The disclosure of an e-mail address by a member of the Organization automatically constitutes its availability for use in a manner equivalent to a letter by post.

§ 13 Data Protection, Personal Rights

In order to fulfill the tasks defined in this Charter and the purpose of the Organization, the Organization processes personal data and data on the personal and factual circumstances of its members in compliance with the statutory provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act (“Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes (BDSG)”). In this regard, data is stored, transmitted, and changed.

By their membership and the associated acceptance of this Charter, the members agree to the storage, processing, handling, and transmission of their personal data within the framework of the fulfillment of the tasks and purposes of the Organization. Any other use of data (e.g. sale of such data) is not permitted.

Each member has the right to

  • information about the member’s stored data,
  • correction of the member’s stored data, where inaccurate,
  • locking-out of the member’s data, and
  • deletion of the member’s data.

By their membership and the associated acceptance of this Charter, the members further agree to the publication of pictures and names in print and TV-media as well as electronic media. The Board shall inform the members of the media used. Each member has a right to object that may be exercised in general or in specific individual cases vis-à-vis the Board.


Dresden, April 5, 1994;

amended on February 15, 1998,

amended on March 7, 2006,

modified 6 March 2007

last modified May 7, 2013